Students at CUES have an opportunity to start their day off En Pointe with a “Mindfulness Monday” exercise. Thank you to our counselor, Mrs. Schatzle, for leading this each week! 💙💛 #cuesproud
over 4 years ago, Jennifer VanWagnen
Congratulations to our Academic Games team on their 5th place finish at the home tournament on Saturday! 13 teams attended the meet. #cuesproud
over 4 years ago, Jennifer VanWagnen
Academic Games Team
Check out the January edition of the Eagle Soar!
over 4 years ago, Jennifer VanWagnen
Did you know that some students meet 3-4 times each week with our Reading Interventionist, Mrs. Cripe, to develop literacy strategies? Check out the Cripe's Corner newsletter for more:
over 4 years ago, Jennifer VanWagnen
Friday, December 20th is a pajama day and a half day of school. Dismissal is at 11:20.
over 4 years ago, Jennifer VanWagnen
Friday, December 20th is pajama day and a half day of school. Dismissal is at 11:20 am. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Jennifer VanWagnen
Please join us for the 2nd Grade Musical this evening at 6 pm in the CUES gymnasium! You don’t want to miss this spectacular performance!
over 4 years ago, Jennifer VanWagnen
2nd Grade Musical
CES & CUES will be participating in Spirit Week between 12/16 and 12/20! ☃️❄️
over 4 years ago, Jennifer VanWagnen
Spirit Week for 12/16-12/20
We had an extra special day at CUES! Thank you so much to our food service department, Lindsay Kandell, Tina Marquart, Ashley Weber and Pinky, for providing a spectacular holiday dinner free to all students and staff. Thank you to our wonderful staff for serving the feast!
over 4 years ago, Jennifer VanWagnen
Staff Serving Students
Special Holiday Dinner
Special Holiday Dinner
Special Holiday Dinner
This Thursday is Ugly Sweater Day at CUES! Students are invited to wear festive clothing in red and green (even if it's not a sweater)! There will also be a special holiday luncheon--free for everyone.
over 4 years ago, Jennifer VanWagnen
Ugly Sweater Day
Check out the December edition of the Eagle Soar!
over 4 years ago, Jennifer VanWagnen
Looking forward to seeing all of our Columbia friends tomorrow night! Time with Santa, Crafts, Book Bingo & last minute Santa Shop shopping! The fun starts at 5:30 at CUES. ❤️💚🎅🏻
over 4 years ago, Jennifer VanWagnen
Why not turn your favorite photos into personalized gifts, photo books, or home decor and help raise funds for CUES?! Shop at Shutterfly and 8% of your purchase will be donated to our school. Thank you for your support!
over 4 years ago, Jennifer VanWagnen
Shutterfly Storefront Program
It’s a great time to be a Golden Eagle and Mr. Marc Iott’s physical education class makes it even better! Every year, our students look forward to playing “Christmas Bowling” with him. 🎳🎄#cuesproud #loveforiott
over 4 years ago, Jennifer VanWagnen
Love for Mr. Iott
Congratulations Columbia School District for earning The US EPA Energy Star Certification, reflecting a legacy of energy savings for the district and community! This certification is a result of improving the energy efficiency through the bond projects and installing LED lights.
over 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Energy Star!
Columbia School District has a caring environment and fabulous teachers to nurture your child. Check us out at
over 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Do you know someone who is home-schooled and is in need of online academics or a child who needs to complete their school work from the comfort of their home? Check out the Columbia Virtual Academy through Options High School.
over 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Beautifully renovated classrooms and updated technology have benefited our students! Columbia School District is proud to have a supportive community!
over 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
Columbia moms and dads: Be sure and stop by CES this morning for coffee and donuts 🍩 at 8 am with the Brooklyn Area Kiwanis and learn about the great activities they sponsor for our students and the community!💙💛🦅
over 4 years ago, Pamela Campbell
The PTO has a need to fill spots for the Secret Santa Shop this week. Please consider volunteering. Thank you! Please sign up by using this link:
over 4 years ago, Jennifer VanWagnen
Secret Santa Shop