3rd-6th Grade
321 School St
Brooklyn, MI 49230

Phil Timmerman
School Schedule:
Full Day:
Arrival: 7:45 am
Dismissal: 2:55 pm
Half Day:
Arrival: 7:45 am
Dismissal: 11:20 am
Walkers: Enter/exit through the front doors.
Traveling by car: 3rd and 4th-grade students will enter/exit through the gymnasium exterior doors. 5th and 6th-grade students will enter/exit through the south (back) door by the cafeteria.
Traveling by Bus: Buses will travel in groups of 4 (i.e., 1-4, 5-8, 9-12,13-17) and begin dismissing at approximately 2:45 pm. Students will enter/exit through the north doors by the library.
Phone: (517) 592-2181
Fax: (517) 200-4151
Absentee: (517) 592-7981
Emphasis on partnering with parents
Curriculum-Based Field Trips
After School Programs
Family Math, Literacy and Science Nights
Garden Club
Service Learning Projects
Project-Based Learning
Principal Caught You Being Great Award
5th and 6th Grade Band
Strong Partnership with our PTO
6th Grade Track
Art, Music, P.E., Technology, and STEM
Tiered Reading Support with a Specialized Reading and Reading Interventionist
K Kids Program
Full-Time Counselor

Dear CUES Families,
I am excited to start the 2024-25 School Year as your returning Principal. I am happy to report that in my third year, we were able to build on the successes we had the year prior. Some of these successes included a year with amazing field trips, continued academic growth in core academic areas, and students who are excited about school everyday. I’m looking forward to the coming year because we have made some fantastic plans to continue these successful practices and improve opportunities for students to engage in learning.
This past year we were able to significantly close learning gaps and we will be focusing our efforts to continue the progress we have made with targeted efforts. We will continue welcoming visitors into the building with the hope that we can give our students some extra support, while keeping in mind the safety of our staff and students.
I encourage you to connect with your child’s teacher by signing up for their classroom on our new Rooms platform. There will be more information regarding signing up at the Back to School Bash August 19th from 5:30-7:00 pm. This platform should give you one place to search for all information regarding Columbia School District events and information pertinent about your student(s) school life. I would also strongly encourage you to listen to or provide an opportunity for your student to read everyday. This continues to be one of the biggest indicators of school success, and children who read on a consistent basis are more likely to be successful in school.
The connections that we develop to support students are the foundation to their success at Columbia Upper Elementary School. I know that we will continue to work as a team to ensure they are getting what they need to build a solid foundation for future success.
Please remember, if you have any questions, please contact me.
Mr. Timmerman
The Columbia Upper Elementary School (3-6) faculty and the School Improvement Committee continues to implement their vision which was developed using the approved profile of the learner as the foundation. This vision focuses on six categories:
Teaching and learning
Instructional design
CO-Curricular activities
Home and community
The adult world of the school
Home and Community
Columbia Upper Elementary School emphasizes the importance of a close relationship between school, home, and community. This emphasis is given relevance through the following activities:
Use school as a community recreation center
Develop business education partnership
Develop community service projects
Use field trips to increase understanding
Use community volunteers (seniors, parents, tutors, etc.)
Strengthen student communication channels
Involve home in homework
Tru Community Credit Union is available at Columbia Upper Elementary School once a week starting in November. |
Columbia Upper Elementary School (3-6) Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) |